Help reduce Asthma symptoms

I decided to create this site to assist me in having some form of control over my asthma.  I am in my 45th year and I can hardly remember a time when I did not have asthma . I have tried to keep tabs on my condition by always trying to keep  fit and as a result  I have only ever had two major attacks that I can recall that have resulted in me being admitted to hospital . You will see that I am not the best writer in the world but I am honest and sincere and hope that I can build a community of asthma sufferers ( not sure if this is the correct terminology ) . This is also my first ever blog and website so this is a whole new experience for me .

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     I have decided to create a blog as a way of dealing with my asthma and also to meet people like myself who are asthma sufferers


    Air Purification
    Asthma Attack
    Book Review
    Natural Remedies

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